How AI Virtual Assistant can be of help to your business|Tech-addict

What tasks can an AI assistant do for you?

AI virtual assistant

What AI Virtual Assistant can do for you in workplace?

We all know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking root in our everyday lives. But what you might not know that one of the factors that is driving this growth of AI is – increasing demand for AI assistant or AI virtual assistant (Artificial Intelligence virtual assistant). Businesses in almost every single industry nowadays are rushing to have an AI personal assistant to improve their business operations and customer satisfaction levels. Before we go into the details of the benefits we can get from using this virtual assistant software let’s first know what AI virtual assistant is.

What is an AI virtual Assistant?

AI virtual assistant is an artificial intelligence app, which is capable of answering queries and performing tasks for a user based on questions and verbal or written commands. Now, how does this virtual assistant software understand and work on voice command?

The AI assistant program uses an in-built Natural Language Processing (NLP) system, which is based on Machine learning. Machine learning helps the program to get more accurate over time as it learns from interactions as you use it. It processes and analyzes the human language input to understand the voice commands and searches for relevant information from various online sources to give appropriate response to the user’s command. This artificial intelligence app may be integrated into your smart-phone, smart speaker, smart TVs and other “smart” internet-connected devices. Most of the smart devices nowadays have a built-in AI assistant app. Some of the most popular AI personal assistant programs on smart devices are Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. However, as the software makes hands-free use possible, you need not use your smart-phone or any other device for interaction. All you need is to launch the program and make a voice command which will be processed by the app to give relevant response.

Let’s now look at some of the major services which users can get from an AI virtual assistant.

You may also like to read this post: Important Facts about Artificial Intelligence

Services you can get from AI virtual assistant

You can get a wide variety of services from an AI personal assistant app when you integrate the software with your product, service, or business. Here’s a list of most common tasks that this virtual assistant software can handle for your business and other major areas:

Common tasks handled by virtual personal assistants for businesses  

1. Administrative Work

A virtual personal assistant can handle basically all administrative work of a company that an administrative assistant usually does. These are,

> Scheduling meetings and appointments;

> Answering phone calls;

> Replying to e-mails;

> Taking notes;

> Adding events to calendar;

> Making travel arrangements;

2. Customer support

AI personal assistant can work with the customer support team to provide 24 hour support to the customers. Customers can interact with a virtual personal assistant that can take queries from a number of customers at the same time and provide quick responses and thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

3. Managing Social Media

Social media presence has considerable importance in marketing plan for businesses. AI assistant can manage social media presence of a company and update its social page status so as to keep the potential customers engaged with the company’s social media channels while staying relevant.

4. Transcribing meetings notes

AI virtual assistant can help during business meetings by keeping records of discussions. It can transcribe meeting notes for future reference.

5. HR & Recruitment

A company can improve its recruitment process by using an AI personal assistant. It can screen job applicants, schedule interviews and create candidate shortlists by matching candidate resumes to job descriptions and creating questions for screening.

6. Handling research work

When it comes to research, which is a core part of any company’s growth strategy, AI assistant can be of great help. By analyzing relevant data it can keep track of competitors’ products and services, analyze consumer trends, find formats for press releases and more.

Tasks handled by virtual personal assistants in other areas

Some other common tasks performed by the AI assistants in other areas are – to make and receive phone calls, to create text messages, to do data analysis, to make online purchases using the voice assistant, to provide real-time information on weather, to find hotels or restaurants, to book tickets, to check flight status, to control smart home devices and to requests songs. The list is not exhaustive. It can also perform more complicated tasks in the field of healthcare like navigating medical records of patients or interacting with the patients and giving them advice about the nature of their symptoms.

Now that we have known about the major tasks that an AI virtual assistant can handle for businesses and in other areas let’s look into what services are provided by some of the most popular virtual assistant software.


This virtual assistant software is available on all major Apple devices including Apple’s smart home products and devices like Apple TV and Apple watch. It analyzes and processes users’ verbal requests using a speech handling algorithm and provides relevant response. Siri can do all kinds of useful things in a faster and easier way. This virtual personal assistant app can set alarms and reminders, make calls, send and read texts, send messages, preview your calendar and can do many more things. Siri can do it all without your ever having to pick up a device.

Google Assistant

Google assistant app is available on just about all modern Android devices including cars that support Android Auto. It provides almost the same functionality as Siri does. Google virtual assistant software supports both voice and text commands and uses natural language processing.  It performs various tasks such as controlling smart devices, finding information online, restaurant bookings, voice-activated music control, voice searching, making appointments, getting directions, providing real-time information on weather and much more. You can get all these services from this AI virtual assistant without even touching your phone.


Alexa is a popular personal AI assistant app developed by Amazon which is available on various platforms such as Android, iOS, etc. This AI virtual assistant is not connected to a particular device but functions as a separate system on any device. It supports voice command and uses natural language processing to offer many services such as, voice interaction, music playback, etc. Other services that the app can provide are, creating to-do lists, setting up alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audio books, providing real-time information on weather, traffic, news etc.


On going through the post it would be evident that by availing the services of a virtual personal assistant for one or more aspects of your business it would be possible to reduce costs and improve your business one way or another (whether you use the virtual assistant software as a simple application to improve workflow or for recommending options to customers). However, the services of AI assistant will only pay off when this artificial intelligence app helps humans in their work (i.e. doing things humans find difficult or complex) instead of replacing them. When you do that, an AI virtual assistant can reduce company’s costs, improve workflow and increase customer satisfaction.



An engineer with passion for writing on Technolo gy. My Blog mainly covers Tips& How-to-guides relating to Computer, Internet, Smartphones, Apple iDevices, and Green energy.

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